Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 8: Back In Dirty Jersey

Day 8:

8:00 AM 6:00 PM

480 Miles

Comfort Inn (North Carolina): I think Mike has become accustomed to the Hampton Inn style. He wakes me up at 7:00 ready to leave.

Shoney's: We sit down at Shoney's and wait for the waitress, but the place looks dirty. We tell her we're not hungry and get the heck out of there.

Ryan's: We stop at another breakfast place and get the buffet for $9. I leave my last $2 as a tip.

I-95 in Washington: We hit some traffic outside of Washington so we take Rte 1 for a while then get back on I-95. We can see the driving style gets more aggressive as we go north. I have a scary moment when a car gets between the two bikes. I speed up to go around it but just as I bear left to get in front of it, the road bends in the opposite way. Just as I am about to go out of the lane, the bike rights itself and I'm able to maintain.

Sheetz gas station (Maryland): It's amazing how much Sheetz resembles Wawa. This will be the last gas stop before we hit Jersey. Mike gives me the MacBook from his luggage (which has a rain cover) and I put it in my backpack. It's the middle of the day and the backs of my ankles are starting to hurt from the sunburn.

Delaware Bridge: After the bridge, Mike and I part ways. He takes Rte 40 towards Williamstown and I take 295 back to Somerset.

Somerset, NJ: The trip ends where it began. :)

Post Trip thoughts...

Well, after a long and eventful trip I'd like to stop to take a little inventory. You never really know what something is going to be like until you do it yourself and experience it. I can tell you that when people talk about road trips they mostly talk about cruising around and having fun. But the truth is, at times a road trip can be quite grueling, and you may even encounter some misadventures along the way that are not too much fun. The trip we did was long and hard, there is no doubt about it. And to be honest, I don't think I completely knew what I was getting into when I decided to do this trip. But I also don't regret having made it. Sometimes you appreciate things more when you work for them. This trip gave me a chance to get away from everyday life and made thoughts about work melt away from my head, which I needed. And maybe it's me but the sky looks a little bit cooler as the sun sets when you're on an old bridge on a highway in the middle of Georgia. And a dinner at Outback tastes a little bit better after you've driven over 700 miles on a motorcycle. I am a little bit amazed at all the things the happened and all we accomplished in the last week, and I would have to say that I'm a little bit proud of the fact that not everybody could have done what we did. So if you asked me the question...

Would you do it again?

Well, at least not for a very long time. :)

It's been fun doing this blog and keeping it updated. For all that have taken a look,

Thanks for reading!

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